Introducing the Inspiring...
Artist Extraordinaire
Joan Marie first inspired my life when we were both part of a monthly coaching program. I was the only Australian and I would get out of bed at 2, 3 or 4pm so that I could connect with the others based in various countries around the world.
We were working on creativity and expressing it and Joan Marie painted the most glorious thing I had ever seen. While listening to Cat Stevens sing 'Morning has Broken' she threw together a madness of colour that made my heart sing. You can see her 'Morning has Broken' at the end of the interview. Enjoy it as I have for many years, it never leaves my mind.
Joan-Marie is the essence of joyful living and if you want to see joy in creative motion watch her while she works on a piece.
In 70 words or less tell us about your latest project and what inspired you to do it.
“Living Your Life on FIRE!...(from insecurity to WILD CONFIDENCE!) “ This is the BOOK I am writing to inspire Freedom and Confidence!
Upon finishing another magical abstract painting in which I have captured the ENERGY of your favorite song into a dynamic Abstract Painting, my mind scanned the dramatic changes and stages of growth my art has represented through the years.
Turning 60 this year has brought about excited reflections, re-living my art career from my college art professors’ insults to my current national recognition and galleries’ praises.
I am experiencing the dramatic shift in style from Spiritual Renaissance drawings to jubilant and electrified abstract paintings.
Quotes from speakers who have inspired me will complete this vibrantly illustrated book.
My DREAM is to inspire others to jump on their own pathway to deep satisfaction and Wild Fun!
If you could walk a day in someone else's shoes, literally, who would that someone be and why?
Walking in Leonardo da Vinci’s shoes would thrill me!
…To feel the rush of constant curiosity and to have the drive and ability to explore and solve so many questions of life
…To capture the inner feelings of the human spirit on canvas would give me such a deep feeling of fulfillment.
Quote from Vasari..
“occasionally, in a way that transcends nature, a single person is marvellously endowed by Heaven with beauty, grace and talent in such abundance that he leaves other men far behind, all his actions seem inspired and indeed everything he does clearly comes from God rather than from human skill. Everyone acknowledged that this was true of Leonardo da Vinci, an artist of outstanding physical beauty, who displayed infinite grace in everything that he did and who cultivated his genius so brilliantly that all problems he studied he solved with ease.”
Name 3 people and a product, book or program of each that has had a huge impact on your personal and/or spiritual development.
The Magic of Believing, by Claude M. Bristol
“The Artist’s Way”, by Julia Cameron
“The Secret”, by Rhonda Byrne
Almost everything by….
Marianne Williamson, Wayne Dyer, Barbara De Angelis, and Bob Proctor,
And “Happy For No Reason”, by Marci Shimoff
What one personal characteristic would you like to have developed by the end of this lifetime.
What one thing do you do everyday (or as often as possible) that brings you joy and happiness?
Experiencing CREATIVITY!
I am either INSPIRING Creativity (teaching Art)
Or BEING Creative! (painting or drawing)
Or READING about Creativity or Creative people!
You can connect with Joan-Marie and her inspiring art at
Twitter: : JoanMarieArt
Facebook page:
Website address:

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