Introducing the Inspiring...
Sierra Goodman
Creator of Divine Dolphin
I Am I Am I Am
Sierra is someone who truly lives her dreams. What Sierra wants, she manifests, whether it be convertibles, taking people to swim with dolphins and whales, or losing 170 pounds.
Sierra attributes her manifesting abilities to her knowledge and implementation of the Laws of the Universe.
She has learned to follow her inner guidance and intuition and take inspired action.
In 70 words or less tell us about your latest project and what inspired you to do it.
I have two projects going on; the final edits on my Becoming Thin weight loss book and my swim with dolphins and whales programs in various locations around the planet.
I felt inspired to write the book after losing 170 pounds by becoming thin in my mind first and wanted to share what I learned with others.
And how I love to take others to experience the whales and dolphins in the wild. It’s a life changing experience and I am blessed to be a part of taking others to experience it.
If you could walk a day in someone else's shoes, literally, who would that someone be and why?
I think I would like to be Christina Aguilara or someone with a similar voice. While I have a decent karaoke voice, I sure would love to be able to belt out songs like that in front of thousands of people, inspiring them with the instrument of my voice.
But alas, in this lifetime I will stick to inspiring people with the written word and keep the singing for my shower and private song and dance parties…
Name 3 people and a product, book or program of each that has had a huge impact on your personal and/or spiritual development.
First would be Marilyn Umbach who taught me all about the Universal Laws and reminded me that I create my reality over 25 years ago.
Orin and DaBen through Sanaya Roman… my first “channeled” beings and where I learned that it’s all a vibrational thang. One of their books I read several times over the years is Spiritual Growth: Being Your Higher Self
Abraham-Hicks pulled a lot of things together for me, led me to some of the most incredible people and I believe them to be one of the clearest and highest channels of pure Intelligent Source out there. Loved the movie The Secret Behind the Secret and of course Ask and It is Given.
What one personal characteristic would you like to have developed by the end of this lifetime.
Staying in the Love Vibration and Seeing Through the Eyes of Source 99% of the time, leaving 1% for expansion through contrast.
What one thing do you do everyday (or as often as possible) that brings you joy and happiness?
Get into my heart space and live Authentically.
You can connect with Sierra at
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