How can I manifest money now

by Juanita
(LA, California, USA)

I saw that movie the secret and they said that I could get some money if I focus on having it. I did a board with pictures of money and stuff on it. I got one of those checks and wrote what i wanted and everyday i look at it cause its on my bathroom mirror.

My rent is due today and I don't have any money. I don't know what to do. I'm scared and feel sick. Where is the money that I asked for?

I work hard, I'm tired all the time from working so hard. It's really hard to keep going and keep having faith that it will be ok!

Why did the money not come to me? Did I do something wrong? I'm a good person. It's not fair that the guy who lives next door is not a good person and he's always got money and cars and stuff.

Please help me.

Watch the Coaches response below

I am a magnet to money affirmation song

Abundance articles
The Science of getting rich

Focus on Abundance

How to turn a limiting belief into a positive affirmation


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Apr 06, 2009
The Universe Doesn't Care.

The Universe loves all of us, and wants all of us to obtain our hearts desires. It doesn't respect one person more than another, it doesn't care who you are. Gravity works for all of us, good or bad. Money has its own rules and works for all of us - regardless of who you are.

Anne is right when she mentions the abundance in the Universe, There is soooo much available to us in this world. Every product was first an idea, and now its a thing, a creation. Tap into feeling grateful for the abundance around you. It can be hard at first, but give it a try and find 5 things to be grateful for everyday. It might be that your landlord gives you an extension, or waves the late fee for the rent.

Juanita, consider asking a better quality questions of yourself and to the Universe. Instead of "Why did the money not come to me?" ask "How can I help the money come to me?" You will get answers to all the questions you are asking. Is there a hobby you have that could bring in more cash flow? Is there something you could sell? Do you need to cut back on services you use? Do you need to learn more profitable skills? Make sure your library card is up to date, check out some books or some audio books on money management. Your working hard for that money, it should work hard for you! Make it do its job. :)

Much Love,

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